After some eerie advice from an old fortune telling machine, a young woman receives an invitation to her high school reunion. However, she arrives to...
Reunion Massacre
Film fans discover that their local video store is making snuff films in its basement and renting them out to unsuspecting customers.
The chainsaw-wielding ghost of Killer Clown Gilbert Gacy haunts his old stomping grounds on Halloween night where college kids are throwing a party.
The Clown Chainsaw Massacre
Five jolting tales of terror are sure to creep you out featuring monsters, madmen, and more!
The Creeps
A group of college students go out into the woods for a Halloween party, only to be killed one by one, by a clown who was burned alive 30 years ago...
Night of the Clown
Raven, the only survivor of a previous massacre, returns to the forest to avenge her fallen friends and stop Camp Blood Killer once and for all.
Camp Blood 5