Charlotte lives a very mundane and regular life. Juggling between school works and social life her day-to-day couldn't have been more routinely. But...
Sorcerers is an unfinished animated fantasy film that would have combined live actors with CG backgrounds and characters in a story inspired by The...
The footage of three filmmakers shooting a web series has been recovered. Intending to debunk famous Internet urban legends and rituals, they perform...
Ouija: Blood Ritual
WHITW tells of how the controversial titled, Don’t F*** in the Woods, came to be, the pitfalls of making it, how it affected the filmmakers and...
What Happens In The Woods
The counselors of Pine Hills Summer Camp are getting the grounds ready for the season. While they set up, a mysterious girl enters the camp after a...
Don't Fuck in the Woods 2
A group of hard-up low level criminals are sent into a giant abandoned school building to fetch stolen goods for the local kingpin. Unfortunately for...
RIP: Rest in Pieces
A desperate heroin addict owes money to his violent dealer and decides to sell certain of his male body parts to a cult to get the money. Horror is...
Paying Up
Three short stories connect in a funny, fierce and at times tragic way laced together through the themes of dreams, reincarnation and the...
The Toad