Part of the Daughters of the Country series, this film, set in the 1850s, unfolds against the backdrop of the Hudson's Bay Company's monopoly of the...
Mistress Madeleine
The dramatic story of two youths--one French and one Indigenous--who share a pivotal time in Canada's history: the first contact between European and...
Rendezvous Canada, 1606
Englishmen come to explore and settle the new world. There they find natives who are curious about their "firesticks" and strange customs.
Pocahontas: The Legend
Story of Joseph Brant, chief of the Mohawks, and the events that led to the birth of Canada as a nation. During the time of the American Revolution,...
Divided Loyalties
The story of Big Bear, the real life Cree chief who campaigned for his people and their land against the Canadian government in the 1870s and 1880s.
Big Bear