Set in the 1990s during Japan's "band boom" era, the film tells the tale of a girl in high school, Asako, who goes to a concert and meets Natsu,...
Two TV salarymen uphold their duty by taking on a rival talent agency during the late-'80s bubble economy.
For Business
Meiko Inoue is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Taneda is permanently crashing at her apartment...
A kindergarten teacher meets a novice magician and together they travel to another city to find love.
Main Theme
Tsugumi, who lives in a small seaside town, has been in delicate health from birth. Her parents spoiled her and she is rough and selfish. However, a...
The documentary about how Beatles went popular in Japan and did a concert in Budokan back in 1966.
Mr. Moonlight: The Beatles Budokan Performance 1966 - A Dream We Had Together