Young son of a millionaire, obsessed with collecting used women's underwear, a butler who manages the mansion where the young man lives while his...
A Primeira Noite de um Adolescente
Young women in the Amazon are kidnapped by a ring of devil-worshipers, who plan to sell them as sex slaves. Some of the women escape, but are pursued...
Amazon Jail
In "Solo de Violino", bank clerk and aspirant violinist Rodrigo is a serial killer. When his next door neighbor reveals that she is in love with his...
A Noite das Taras nº 2
Jandira tries her luck in garimpo, after having an amotional crisis. There, she opens a nightclub of women.
Tem Piranha no Garimpo
Three exploitative short stories of sailors trying their luck in the São Paulo night.
A Noite das Taras
Camouflaged Virgin