Asuka is an aspiring model who moves to Tokyo to pursue her career. She moves into a small apartment with a friend of a friend, Kasumi. A bizarre...
Black Kiss
Miyako works as a call girl, living with her close friend Sakiko. After encountering a client, Shintani, with whom Miyako experiences sexual pleasure...
Luxurious Bone
This video adaptation of Junji Inagawa's novel of the same title contains two episodes: "The Battle of the Women," a horror created by a feud between...
Junji Inagawa: Prey 2
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A...
In a future where World War II never ended, Japan is decimated by nightly bombings. The only building left standing is known as the Media Station, a...
Hakuchi: The Innocent
Tōkyō no kyūjitsu