The movie is about a love story between the main characters, Tamil and Mozhi. This story begins from their first encounter in their high school years...
Santhittha Naal Muthal
The story revolves around a special piano that holds a precious secret. Many years ago, a man by the name of Arumugam receives a wooden box as a gift...
Rajathanthiram: The Piano
The story begins with Cinta Manis estate was shocked by the news of the football match to be held jointly Estates Red Cobra has 20 years of not being...
Distraughted by his daughter's nude photos being distributed on the internet without consent, the father along with some family members commit...
The first Tamil movie to be made by Malaysians in Malaysia.
I Am a Malaysian
After a karmic blunder, a man is given a second chance at life by a kindly cupid. Next, he must learn to live in the now by opening his heart to love.
Adai Mazhai Kaalam
When one of her daughters dies and the second one is diagnosed with the same illness, single mom in Malaysia takes her to a hill station, where the...
Enga Amma Rani
Inspired by the popular tale of Red Riding Hood, this Malaysian Tamil slasher film, which gives a dark twist to the story, tells of the painful...
The Farm: En Veettu Thottathil
A romantic Indian comedy that tells the story of a girl who finds the hero of her life and the two of them eventually fall in love with each other....
Geethaiyin Raadhai
Rahul, an Indian immigrant worker arrives in town only to find the company that offered him a job has gone out of business. He is helped by a local...
Tired of his job as a temporary teacher, Prabha decides to resign without his father's knowledge and leaves the estate with his wife, Sumathi. One...
Thottam: The Garden
Aishwarya, a young and beautiful woman who is just starting college, is trying to move on from her previous relationship. So she is not interested...
The film interlinks multiple plots that weave together the lives of Hari, Soniya and their friends, as they navigate the complexities of rekindled...
C4 Cinta