The story follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big...
King Size
Jurek Kiler has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, meeting world leaders. He must oversee a transfer...
Killer 2
A student who works part-time as a milk carrier, conducts a private investigation into the mysterious death of an old woman. While riding the...
Gorączka mleka
Romek, an idealistc 19-year-old boy, takes a job as a tailor in the costume department of a Warsaw theater company where his new colleague, Sowa, is...
The story is a duel between criminal-on- the-run and the cop who put him behind the bars the first time around.
Kill Me, Cop
The story begins in March of 1968, the days of students protests. A hot- headed student protests the Dean's decision to expell a fellow student on...
An officer stationed in a remote Ukranian outpost at the end of the First World War is dying of consumption. Suffering from feverish dreams and...
Lesson of a Dead Language
A young man is confronted with corrupt and vindictive colleagues at work and negligent officials at the hospital where his mother is dying. As he...
The Constant Factor