Benny and Victoria, with the help of James and Moscow Mules, discover their personal insecurities growing up in such a divided home, now left to them...
This Must Be the Place
"The Girl on the Mat" is a sports drama about Hayden, a high school female wrestler poised to be the champion of her state as she struggles with her...
The Girl on the Mat
When the Harker Arts Academy drama club produces a play based on the silent horror film Nosferatu (1922), reality and fiction collide, and blood...
Mimesis: Nosferatu
Follows three generations of vampire women that find their lives put into jeopardy by their environmental and economic surroundings.
Blood Immortal
After surviving a terrifying car crash, a young woman discovers that aggressive, flesh-eating zombies have overtaken the entire area. She must figure...
Strain 100