A high-ranking officer of the Italian Communist Party discovers he is a vampire and leaves his position, retreating to the abandoned residence of his...
Pietro Marchetti, a mature Roman taxi driver, has countless and interesting meetings while he is on duty with his car "Zara 87".
Il tassinaro
The biography of Jimmy Valvano, American sports reporter and basketball coach, who died of cancer in 1993.
Never Give Up: The Jimmy V Story
Lisetta (Carmen Russo) a high-priced call-girl, that entertained her eccentric clients in her apartment and in empty theaters over opera! She met...
Good Like Bread
During a high-stakes investigation into corporate and banking elites tied to organized crime, a police chief and his team are murdered for refusing a...
The Warning
Sicilia 1943, after the landing, between the invading Us army and the defender Italian army, a 2000 years old roman bridge resist to all kind of...
The Odd Squad
In the 17th century, an order of monks in Italy capture and entomb a demon that has possessed a member of their group. 400 years later, school...
The Roman Catholic Pope is planning a reconciliatory meeting with the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, an event awaited for many generations....
The Third Solution
A compelling drama/documentary chronicling the life and death of Il Duce himself, from his days as a terrorist to his alliance with Hitler to the...
Mussolini and I
Following an accident, a physicist working on an antidote to the consequences of nuclear radiation is forced to continue his research at a laboratory...
L'Uomo Della Guerra Possibile