Historical satire from the first half of the 19th century, which captures the decay and decline of the landed estate. The impoverished peasants still...
Earthly Honor
Polnoc bude o päť minút
Jerguš Lapin
Ruy Blas
Sochár Peter Lehocký
Timon Aténsky
Vzkriesenie Míny
Zlaté jabĺčko
Raz, dva, tri
Kapitán Dabač
Leto na Rovniach
Taký obyčajný deň
Klinko a Kompit kráľ
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise,...
The Seventh Continent
Marína Havranová
Tisíc podpisov za obžalovaného
Hostinec pod gaštanom
Stopy na Sitne
Kráľ sa zabáva
Nový systém
Pätnásť životov
A dramatic story of three friends happily spending time on their own in a mountain cottage in the High Tatras. On the arrival of the wife of one of...
The Copper Tower
Krásna Pramíla
Zem nezasľúbená
Prípad Evy Burdovej
Dvadsať tisíc v koši
Očovské pastorále
Podivné okolnosti
Predohra v mol
Žakýlska Veronka
This drama from the times of Slovak National Uprising is situated in a small Slovak village. It is the tragical story of a widow and her four sons...
Wolves' Lairs
Lazy sa pohly
Zlatná krajina