Povídky Svatopluka Čecha
Podivné přátelství herce Jesenia
Smrt císaře a krále Karla IV.
Hádankář Vojta
Several big-city teenagers are falsely accused of vandalizing a valuable organ, casting light on the hypocrisy of the adult world.
Just Whistle a Little
Etuda pro kontrabas
Vítr v kapse
Little Vendulka receives a birthday gift of a seemingly innocuous children's book. Little she knows that the book is actually a portal into the...
Blob to the Fairytale
After arriving at the mysterious castle, the university professor begins to encounter a sequence of mysterious events, to which he reacts with his...
Lacrimae Rerum
When a noted professor receives a new treatment for his heart ailment, his outlook on life changes. Despite doctor's orders, he is determined to live...
A Ridiculous Gentleman
Králova žena
Načasovaná smrt
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by...
Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Zločin na Zlenicích hradě
Bratr Žak
Pohár za první poločas
Jak Anče s komtesou k modrému z nebe přišly
Kost v krku
Tichý svědek
Comedy, 1974 (Czech Republic) : The movie takes place in England. A group of married middle-aged gentlemen have founded a pretense amateur Egyptology...
Leporelo aneb Patero obrázků z pera Jaroslava Haška
Záchvěv strachu
Third Clinch for Tommy
Manon Lescaut
Hubert Hrabe, known as Smart Boy, is a Prague dandy who is always skirting the edge of the law. Like every likable rogue, he has a worthy adversary -...
Hubert the Smart Boy
Tísňové volání
Based on the only extensive prose work by the surrealist painter Josef Capek, Shades of Fern most resembles the philosophical fairy tales and fables...
Shades of Fern
O nejchytřejší princezně
Na dvoře vévodském
Nezralé maliny
O mrtvých jen dobře
Zelené obzory
Buřič Jejího Veličenstva
Třírohý klobouk
Smuteční hudba za padlé hrdiny
Vrabci z devátého poschodí
Preclíková válka
Přiznání Václava Urbánka
The year is 1936, the nervous atmosphere of the Nazi threat penetrates into the sport. Upgrade boxe Vilda Jakub will compete with German Kurt...
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