Injured U.S. soldier Miles Willis awakens to discover he is trapped in a mysterious cube armed only with his combat gear. As Miles begins to question...
The Abandon
Legend has told of an immense treasure of gold hidden on Corregidor Island, Philippines, buried there by the Japanese during WWII. A new clue to its...
Treasure Hunters
In an abandoned mental institution, doctors carry out secret experiments on unsuspecting patients. The experiments, codenamed Limes, are designed to...
A mall security guard—and former federal agent—crosses paths with a drug kingpin's enforcer after the guard saves a woman from danger.
End of a Gun
A recently widowed traveler is kidnapped by a cold blooded killer, only to escape into the wilderness where she is forced to battle against the...
Kids raised by parent on different sides of the law must unite to bring down a group of bad guys that have been kidnapping mobster's pets in order to...
Special Agent Kids
While trying to survive the worst drought in history, a family of farmers force their youngest brother down a path of destruction; betrayed and left...
Gossamer Folds is a story about finding family and acceptance where you least expect it. Set in 1986, ten-year-old Tate is uprooted and unwillingly...
Gossamer Folds
Former actor Jules works her way up to the top of the cutthroat world of Los Angeles commercial real estate, surrounded by an assortment of...
A down-on-his-luck bookie befriends an ex-girlfriend’s son and gets the bright idea to take bets on his youth league baseball games; only to...
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