A TV movie directed by Bob Mahoney. Based on the book by Dick Lee & Colin Pratt it tells the true story of a long running Police investigation which...
Operation Julie
In the early 19th century, Dr. Frankenstein discovers the secret of life – how to create a perfect man – powerful, intelligent and immune...
After their parents divorce, one daughter lives with her mother in England while the other lives with her father in Portugal. After the untimely...
Die Screaming Marianne
During the troubles in Ireland an IRA bomb plot is hatched to blow up a British power station. Sean Rogan (Tom Bell) is an IRA bomb expert and...
The Violent Enemy
A young couple move into a remote country house in the middle of a stone circle. They employ workmen who disturb an ancient menhir, unleashing a...
An alien intelligence hitches a ride onboard the TARDIS to 15th century Italy, where a deranged astrologer attempts to harness its power.
Doctor Who: The Masque of Mandragora
Western journalists visit Moscow to interview Adrian Harris, a former controller in British intelligence who was also a double agent for the USSR....
Alan Bleasdale's comic crime caper for Channel 4 about a former getaway driver desperate to leave his life of crime behind. Featuring Alfred Molina,...
Requiem Apache
The story of a brutal crime in a high-rise estate; a girl walking home at night is raped and murdered, and the attitude of some is not always...
A Story to Frighten the Children
The assassination of the would be ruler of Rome at the hands of Brutus and company has tragic consequences for Brutus and the republic.
Julius Caesar
"Suppose you heard I was someone you couldn't possibly approve of." For a successful man with public responsibilities Alan Berry is strangely...
The Chief Mourner
Drama reconstructing the events of a strike by the schoolchildren of a Norfolk school in 1914, who refused to accept the dismissal of their teachers,...
The Burston Rebellion
London, England. Mike, a fifteen-year-old boy, gets a job in a bathhouse, where he meets Susan, an attractive young woman who works there as an...
Deep End
British TV Movie drama/documentary detailing the birth of Poland's Solidarity union
Strike: The Birth of Solidarity