A definitive eight part series on the rise and fall of the modern art movement presented by critic Robert Hughes.
The Shock of the New
As publicity for the exhibit Miró L’altre, organized by the Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya in 1969, the Board commissioned Pere...
Miró, l’altre
The film was conmissioned by the Galeria Maeght to commemorate the Joan Miró exhibit organized by the French Minsitry of Cultural Affairs in...
Miro Forja
This film turns on two basic axes: the inquiry into ways of cinematographic representation and a critical image of official Spain at the time of the...
The rather dusty black-and-white footage, dating from the summer of 1966, opens with bikinis, beach umbrellas and Foster Grant-shaded sophisticates...
Duke Ellington at the Côte d'Azur with Ella Fitzgerald and Joan Miro