As Sonia walks home from a social dinner, a young man returns her purse after it is snatched by a thief. With her knee injured in the robbery, the...
The Silver Mask
When a young couple involved in care proceedings travel across the country to collect a motorbike, their resolve to get their baby back is tested, as...
Collection Only
Lie Low follows a young man who, after witnessing a stabbing, escapes to the French countryside with his family. Whilst confronting demons of the...
Lie Low
12-year-old Bailey lives with her single dad Bug and brother Hunter in a squat in North Kent. Bug doesn’t have much time for his kids, and...
Lisa is an inmate in a young offenders institution confiding in her counsellor. She has a dark secret
Match Girl
Set in a modern-day London of economic and political uncertainty, the story follows the intersecting themes of familial honor, moral duty and...
A man goes on a bold and reckless journey of self-liberation through London. After he robs a bank he releases a wilder version of himself, ultimately...
In the aftermath of an attack, Amy is left voiceless, trapped in a whirlwind of incompetence. She must find a way to confront what has happened, in...
Good Thanks, You?
Tells the true story of Ramla Ali, who fled Somalia with her family as a young girl, seeking asylum in London from the civil war. As a teenager, she...
In the Shadows