To-il tutors high school student Ho-hoon, but she soon falls in love with him and gets pregnant. The film unfolds a series of playful happenings when...
More Than Family
Hana, who lives in a gloomy basement without sunlight, moves to a sunny rooftop. Hana, who begins to grow plants after being able to use her rooftop...
Plant Life
An elementary school teacher, Sun-mi is a patient with congenital absence of the vagina, which means she has no vagina and womb. Since childhood, she...
A Great Woman
Yong-soon is an 18-year-old high school student. She falls in love with her gym teacher, but she thinks her teacher might have a girlfriend....
Lee Ba-duk, once called a Ba-duk prodigy, quit playing go. At the local Omok competition, where she played for the prize money, Lee meets with Omok...
Omok Girl