The body of a local teenage girl named Annie was found by an idyllic pond in the woods. The suspect list grows indefinitely. However, as Inspector...
Don't Look Back
Once a great curling star, Truls Paulsen is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and banned from competition. But when he learns that his old...
Curling King
Christopher Nielsen, the director behind "Free Jimmy" returns to the big screen together with Qvisten Animation. Escalator is an animated short film...
It's just before Christmas, and Stine (9) arrives in Cobbler street all by herself. There she seeks shelter at Shoemaker Andersen's place, a grumpy...
Christmas on Cobbler Street
When a mummy display arrives in Elvestad, numerous unexplainable accidents happen to the employees at the museum. Rumors has it that they are haunted...
Operation Mummy
Taxi driver Rolf fears losing his wife Turid and sees her new colleague as a threat.
Peer Gynt is a charming but lazy and arrogant peasant youth who leaves home to seek his fortune. Confident of success, he has one disastrous...
Peer Gynt
While near sighted Denise plays football, she accidently gets a ball in her face, and her glasses break. When she wakes up in the hospital she's...
Ballen i øyet
Four stoners, five vegans, three mobsters, four hunters and a million reasons to free one junkie elephant.
Free Jimmy
Three young immigrant boys, Wasim, Riaz and Munawar, come of age in the east end of Oslo, Norway. They find school boring and become attracted to the...
Adapted from a novel by Norway's justice minister Anne Holt. Lesbian policewoman Hanne Wilhelmsen (Kjersti Elvik), who has a live-in lover, tools...
Blessed Are Those Who Thirst
Based on the award winning novel by Tarjei Vesaas, The Birds tells the tale of Mattis, a mentally disabled man cared for by his lonely older sister,...
The Birds
The slightly chubby harness racer Bjarte doesn't get the good horses anymore, and is forced to enter the criminal path in order to keep menacing...
Chasing Berlusconi
Christmas is supposed to be a magical time, but instead it’s dire times for Santa Claus. His whole existence is fading, because the children...
The Downfall of Santa Claus
A priest has been tasked with deciding the location of a new church for the local mining company, which reveals itself to be on top of an old Sami...
A young boy whose grieving family has forgotten about Christmas forms an unexpected, healing bond with a bubbly girl full of holiday spirit.
The Snow Sister