A thriller that follows Galen Lopez, a non-binary witch, years after their mother's tragic death, and weeks after a traumatic breakup. On social...
Sacred Vision
A couple breathes life into a new camp on an old campsite, connecting them to a chilling past that unravels a 20-year-old mystery involving a missing...
Camp Pleasant Lake
A girl is drugged and assaulted by her boyfriend before taking her own life. Determined to seek revenge, her best friend hunts down those responsible.
They Turned Us into Killers
Passengers on their way to a tropical paradise crash at sea and find themselves on a deserted island. Desperate to survive the elements and...
Bermuda Island
A depressed has-been child actor and owner of a dingy laundromat, becomes powerfully vengeful when his collection of lone socks transforms into a...
In the medieval world of Veroka, monsters and demons alike roam and terrorize humankind. The Bone Devil has plagued the Kingdom of Remény for...
Devil's Knight