Krótkie życie
Zlatý chlieb
110 metrov
Maťo Palica
Oneskorené kvety
Pavilón šeliem
The beautiful, bright and intelligent, but perfectly mischievous Marquise de Mertuil and her charming and equally depraved and ruthless friend, the...
Nebezpečné známosti
A film based on three short stories about the attitudes of ex-members of a then forbidden big- beat band. The stories capture the life-styles and...
Only a Day
Čaro múdrosti a lásky
Tri stromy
Dlhý, Široký, Bystrozraký
Prípad Evy Burdovej
Višňový sad
Najstarší škorec Svätopluk
Tajomstvá pod viečkami
Syn človeka
Mikuláš Mráz
Hasičský plášť
Oči plné snehu
Predohra v mol
Smútok na rukáve
Transplantácia slepého čreva
Zuzanka Hraškovie
Series of erotic stories, inspired by La Fontaine's and Boccaccio's work.
Lusty Liaisons II
This film is a psychological study of a woman who chooses solitude as an escape from the duplicity and emotional barrenness of the men around her.
Silent Joy
Zhŕňajova nevesta
Anorexia mentalis
Chlapec do náručia
Snopy z piesku
O Zorali a dvoch bratoch