High school student Ichigo Kurosaki lives an ordinary life, besides being able to see ghosts and the blurry memories of his mother's death under...
A marriage is weaker without something in common. Sayoko (SHINDO Manami) is a seemingly carefree woman but she hides doubts about her marriage behind...
Far Away, Further Away
Tanaka has won a world-renowned advertising award. His old friend Yusaku comes to his company for a job interview, and submits a drawing that looks...
Shuntaro, a no-good guy who decided to become a manga artist on a whim and quit his job, and Kiriko from Hyogo, who works part-time to support...
Tokyo Unko
An all-star reboot of the lost classic 1934 film, The Giant Buddha Statue's Travel Through The Country, made with the cooperation of director Yoshiro...
The Great Buddha Arrival
Natsuo, a 29-year-old aspiring manga artist, is working as an assistant while aiming for debut.
A biopic based on the production of Daiei's Giant Horde Beast Nezura, the scrapped precursor to Gamera.
Nezura 1964