Based on the story of a notorious real-life con man, this twisty Bollywood thriller revolves around cunning fraudster Raja Natwarlal, who pulls off a...
Raja Natwarlal
Annie, who lives a life of make-believe, meets Billa, an ambitious and quick-witted rickshaw driver, and an unforgettable journey begins.
Dekh Magar Pyaar Say
Maula Jatt, a fierce prizefighter with a tortured past seeks vengeance against his arch nemesis Noori Natt, the most feared warrior in the land of...
The Legend of Maula Jatt
The patriarch of a religious Muslim family refuses to accept his intersex child, tearing his family apart.
A struggling musician meets a writer, whose marriage with her film director husband is in turmoil because of an upcoming actress.
Arth : The Destination
Rulia, a local hood who finds Ishq-e-Khuda , after he is ‘privileged’ by the prayer of a Sufi Dervish. In a parallel unconnected arc...
Ishq Khuda