While filming a documentary series about Appalachian folklore and mythology, a crew of amateur filmmakers uncover the legend of a mysterious box...
Nearing the end of their four-year quest, a fellowship of heroes realizes a crucial communication error.
The Beast of Balor
Nolan Mack, a soft-spoken bank employee, undoubtedly loves his wife Joy, though their cavernous empty house only underscores how disconnected...
Eight contestants compete in eight deadly, classic children's games. They seek fame beyond their wildest dreams, competing for the chance to take...
The OctoGames
Podcast host Laura Ross and her longtime friend and producer Paul are challenged to re-examine their personal and professional relationships when a...
The Christmas Challenge
A journalist's life is changed forever when he's locked inside of a bigfoot trap by an insane sasquatch hunter.
The Bigfoot Trap
A detective slowly unravels as a serial killer taunts him with depictions of his gruesome crimes.
Still Life
Ethan Jenkins and Jake Sanders are both passionate pastors who worship the same God from the same book--but that's where the similarity ends. When...
The Second Chance
After his controversial acquittal for murder, Michael Kenny must lay low. This becomes difficult after accidentally killing a man with his car.
Bury Him
While quarantined, a workaholic rediscovers their passion that was once lost while growing up.
Unknown comedians Alex Dolezal and Aidan Fealy attempt to launch the national tour of their absurdist late-night talk show parody but a combination...
Fly By Night