Shunzo is a popular greengrocer in a town near Tokyo. His life, and the lives of his wife Michi, and their two children, undergoes a dramatic change...
Beijing Watermelon
In the mid-1970s, a small group of friends are living in a Japanese town near an American air force base, their lives revolve around sex, drugs and...
Almost Transparent Blue
While on a cigarette break in between sets, Koji, a jazz musician, witnesses a murder and runs into a girl, Linda, who is being pursued by the...
Round About Midnight
A five-part comedy and horror anthology
Uneasy Encounters
The unexpected death of Fujishima Motoharu, president of a medium-sized firm, triggers a fierce battle over his estate inheritance among family...
Estate Inheritance
Toru Hayashi is an unremarkable bachelor who lives with his mother, until one day a young woman named Rumi moves in in the apartment upstairs. Rumi...
Kaito Ruby
Based on the comic written by Masao Yajima and illustrated by Kenshi Hirokane
Human Scramble: Road
Based on the comic book series by Shunji Sonoyama.
Peesuke: Gatapishi story
Based on the comic by Mako Takami.
Ellie My Love
A human drama on the state of marriage today, following the battle between a mother and daughter over her marriage and humorous depictions of the...
A Desirable Marriage
Based on the comic by Hidenori Hara.
Fuyu Monogatari
Kitagawa, a top salesman with an impressive record, is hiding a dark secret—he borrowed the 9 million yen of his record from loan sharks. One...
The Nearest Place to the Sky
A serious-minded policeman plays the role of robber in a police training operation against bank robberies. He's so good his fellow policemen can't...
Playtime Never Ends
While trying to search for her missing father, Atsuko Moriya (Noriko Watanabe) meets a group of outcasts that help her. Having only an encrypted disk...
Someday, Someone Will Be Killed
An old man falls into a coma and dreams about his childhood during WWII.
Hoshi wo tsugu mono
8mm SFX movie
The family of a female theater critic is the target of unfounded hatred. The woman has no idea what is going on. Then, her daughter is kidnapped by...