Tells the story about Karan, a young, spirited, sporty boy who lives life off the rules and Sana, a young petite, shy girl who lives life by the...
Love Story 2050
Victory tells the story of a struggling cricketer who defies all odds to realize an almost impossible dream.
What's Your Raashee? Yogesh Patel, a young man in a hurry. Yogesh must find his dream girl within 10 days to save his family from utter ruin. Finding...
What's Your Raashee?
Dishkiyaoon is a Bollywood action film produced by Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra along with Eros International. The film features Sunny...
When most people think about Australia, they picture massive sandy beaches, singlet-clad locals drinking beer, and kangaroos bounding through the...
Brand Bollywood Downunder
The tale of Banda Singh Bahadur, one of the greatest warriors in Sikh history. He is chosen to fight Wazir Khan, governor of Sirhind, who had been...
Chaar Sahibzaade: Rise of Banda Singh Bahadur
Ajit Singh, Jujhar Singh, Zorawar Singh, and Fateh Singh, the four sons of Sikh Guru Gobind Singh Ji, sacrifice their lives in an important battle...
Chaar Sahibzaade
A remake of Bommarillu (2006), the film primarily revolves around the relationship between a father and son, in which the father's excessive concern...
It's My Life