With the brand-new songs "My Life Is Magic", "Skin I'm In" and "Man In The Moon" - each with video clips from the cinema film "Daniel, the Magician"...
My Life is Magic
Long awaited by the fans and now finally on sale: the DVD with live recordings of Daniel's autumn tour ("PE Tour") from 2003. Mainly with recordings...
Daniel Küblböck - Live on PE Tour 2003
A documentary about Big Brother S2 inhabitant "the nominator" Christian Möllmann and about DSDS contestant Daniel Küblböck. The highs...
Das Stargeschäft- Hinter den Kulissen des schnellen Ruhmes
Evil teenager assassins Rike & Tom want to kill and film the execution of the rock star Daniel Küblböck [or Lana Kaiser to be correct], ...
Daniel, the Wizard