In Paris, where he wields his money scams, Alex has an unexpected encounter with two girls: Fred, who’s nothing to do with his world and who he...
Carrément à l'ouest
During the 1970s a student named Gilles gets entangled in contemporary political turmoils although he would rather just be a creative artist. While...
Something in the Air
A 20-year-old father (Johan Libéreau) obsessed with muscle cars must address his own guilt when he recklessly hits a young man on the freeway...
The overexcited night of a young pinched painter and a crazy comedienne. In the impossibility to end up alone, Laetitia and Thomas cross every...
Two Ships
Des sables dessinés
Camille, a 20-something dissatisfied with her life, craves the opportunity to give her love to the person who needs it the most. She finds this...
Just Anybody
The sublime Jackie Larose, queen of the charm and the eroticism, undergoes an operation of the bowel which leaves her with a colostomy.
The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975...