This heroic story follows the life of Karol Wojtyla, a Polish Roman catholic who ascends the throne of St. Peter as Pope John Paul II. As a young...
From a Far Country
Eustace is sent to a horrible school and finds a friend in Jill Pole, who's also running from bullies and looking for a place to hide. The two of...
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both...
Les Misérables
Sherlock Holmes is drawn into the case of Jack the Ripper, who is killing prostitutes in London's East End. Assisted by Dr. Watson, and using...
Murder by Decree
A witty, feature-length drama-documentary in which Marcel Duchamp, who once compared his own mind to that of a master criminal, is investigated by...
The Case of Marcel Duchamp
A GI deserter frames a girl for killing a blackmailer, and holds her captive while seeking gems.
Cat & Mouse
A woman is found murdered in a seaside house along the coast from Brighton in the county of East Sussex, England. Local D.I. Fred Fellows and D.S....
A story begins when Vivian, a gorgeous lady who believes in nothing but luck. She travelled to a shrine which was famous for asking for love but fate...
I Love You Two
Mr Humphreys, a modest clerk, unexpected inherits a country mansion from an obscure uncle. In its grounds lies a maze and when he explores it, the...
Mr. Humphreys and His Inheritance
Two sophisticated jewel thieves join forces to steal $30 million in uncut jewels.
Rough Cut
Epic tale set in 5th century Sri Lanka, following the battle for the throne between Kassapa and his father King Dhatusena
The God King
The story of Charles Darwin's journey on The Beagle.
The Darwin Adventure
After a mission goes wrong, only one of a group of mercenaries is left alive to avenge his fallen brothers.
Hounds of War