Riley has recently been discharged from rehab after struggling with food and body image issues. She soon meets Ethan and finds herself navigating the...
A young pregnant woman, Heather, has her life thrown into chaos when a demonic spirit is released upon her home, possessing her family members one by...
A group of young explorers investigates an old abandoned hotel, only to encounter a strange supernatural being and a competing group looking for a...
Do Not Enter
A young man, plagued by the music in his head, has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balancing love, family and Brazilian culture in...
A dethroned queen bee at a posh private high school strikes a secret deal with an unassuming new student to enact revenge on one another’s...
Do Revenge
Ambitious artist Jabari attempts to balance success and love when he moves into his dream Manhattan apartment and falls for his next-door neighbor.
A journey deep into an uncharted and treacherous land, where fantastical creatures await the legendary Clades—a family of explorers whose...
Strange World
Alice, a young innocent Catholic girl, is tempted into masturbating after an AOL chat suddenly turns sexual, however is conflicted as the act would...
Yes, God, Yes
After an electric one-night stand, two New York millennials draw up a friends-with-benefits contract to avoid the pitfalls of their past relationships
Dating & New York