In this film about Ingmar Bergman's parents, Henrik Bergman is studying for the priesthood and trying to make ends meet when he encounters the...
The Best Intentions
In this Swedish TV drama, a once-kittenish young woman has become a fortyish spinster, still helping her widowed father on the family farm. Marta...
The Potato Seller
Saxophone-pimp is a meditation on urban hotel as youth. Here, at the city hotel in the small town, we find the entire gallery of: the young lion...
Hjalle and his colleague get over a large amount of money at a break. This changes their lives to a more luxurious existence, but one day, Hjalle...
Money Makes the Man
Anita and Gunnar live a calm, retired life. They don’t make love anymore. They watch TV. When Anita makes a wish and is visited by a young,...
Make a Wish
"The Marriage" - Eva and Kent are planning to get married. Their bridal stag parties causes some problems. The wedding reception will serve moonshine...
The Wedding