The film begins when a stranger arrives in town. He takes quickly to his former mistress, Denise, who is happily married to John, and has an affair...
Shadow of Death
In a small rural town, everybody lays eyes on Maruja, the most beautiful woman there. After the son of the mayor comes back from France, he also...
It tells the story of a slave rebellion on a sugar plantation in the days leading up to the official abolition of slavery on the island on March 22,...
Follows the life of a loving couple that is childless. Juana consults help from many sources so she can conceive, but to no avail. However, her...
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Girls... The Hall
Aunque la hormona se vista de seda...
In 16th century Rome, Rampín, a friendly and shameless rogue, exploits his arts of deception. He lives with his aunt, Napolitana, a pimp...
La lozana andaluza
Mi canción es para ti
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