While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with...
A young couple is taken to a cottage in the woods for counseling following the disappearance of their daughter and struggle to identify what's real...
Tear Us Apart
The true story of her best friend's mysterious murder would make the perfect prime time miniseries, but can former queen bee Penelope Pierce convince...
Upside Down Pineapple
Five female filmmakers en route to screen their new horror film in Los Angeles, experience their own real life terror when they cross paths with...
Save Yourself
A comedy/horror mockumentary that chronicles the unravelling of a production team who are attempting to produce the ultimate reality TV show pilot...
The Hoard
Zane and Jeannette’s wedding is delayed due to Zane’s crazy tour schedule and the two must overcome paparazzi and rumors to find their...
A Very Country Wedding
An aspiring rapper travels through the Palm Springs desert with her DJ and manager after receiving a suspicious request to perform at a secret...
Performance Anxiety
Stan Mann, a new money multi-millionaire, whose life consists of ladies, gambling and booze, lives at a 5-star hotel where the staff tends to his...
Stan the Man