Born under unusual circumstances, Benjamin Button springs into being as an elderly man in a New Orleans nursing home and ages in reverse. Twelve...
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
When troubled teen boy Stevie (Cameron Van Hoy) and his girlfriend, Rocky (Mischa Barton), attempt to rob a bank without any forethought, the...
Joe has been wasting his life writing an unpublished, voluminous book about the ills of modern society. His wife, Annie, is fed up and leaves him.
Joe's Rotten World
Chronicles the adventures of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as he rides a "wheelchair of death" to stop the world from being taking over by...
FDR: American Badass!
Based on the true story of would-be Brooklyn bank robbers John Wojtowicz and Salvatore Naturile. Sonny and Sal attempt a bank heist which quickly...
Dog Day Afternoon
Bizarre tale of sex, betrayal, and perversion at a military post.
Reflections in a Golden Eye
This day-in-the-life cult comedy focuses on a group of friends working at Sully Boyar's Car Wash in the Los Angeles ghetto. The team meets dozens of...
Car Wash
Two American entrepreneurs must face a Russian mobster's vengeance after they cut him out of a business deal.
American Dream
Two girls turn down two boys for more prosperous, motorized dates. In anger, the two teenage boys steal a car, booze up and accidentally meet up with...
Hot Wheels