Creation Science Evangelism teaching on video. Dr. Kent Hovind, and his son Eric Hovind reach thousands of people every week with the gospel of Jesus...
Why Evolution Is Stupid!
This past school year was my freshman year in college and I had to take Biology. My teacher taught me all these things about evolution and...
More Reasons Why Evolution Is Stupid
Just as there are many kinds of nails for many different jobs, so too are Christians different in their operation and purpose. God decides how they...
Nails [Creation Science Evangelism]
Are there dinosaurs living on earth today? In this video Lead Pastor of CSE Dr. Kent Hovind talks about how Dinosaurs lived in the Garden of Eden...
Children's Video About Dinosaurs
"New World Order" is the term we use to describe the one world government and one world religion that the Bible predicts in Revelation 13. However,...
Babylon USA
A documentary about the world's most published and controversial comic artist: Jack T. Chick. His cartoons, conspiracies, and controversies are...
God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick