The extraordinary true story of eccentric British artist Louis Wain, whose playful, sometimes even psychedelic pictures helped to transform the...
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain
TV Film adaptation of Victoria Wood's hit musical set in Manchester in 1929 and 1969. When middle aged loners Tubby and Enid attend a reunion of the...
That Day We Sang
Biographical documentary about the life and career of the film star. What lies behind the extraordinary success of a man sometimes described as a...
Tom Hanks: Hollywood's Mr Nice Guy
Struggling to find his place at Oxford University, student Oliver Quick finds himself drawn into the world of the charming and aristocratic Felix...
The Final Curtain is a British film from 2002 directed by Patrick Harkins and starring Peter O'Toole. It tells the story of J. J. Curtis, ageing...
The Final Curtain
When strangers Jim, Eva, Emily and Mo meet William online in his new 'Chelsea Teens!' chatroom, they're completely seduced by his fast-talking,...
Eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner lives his last 25 years with gusto and secretly becomes involved with a seaside landlady, while his faithful...
Mr. Turner
Downtrodden wife and mother Nella's life takes an unexpected turn for the better after she joins the Women's Voluntary Service office in...
Housewife, 49
This is the time of year when friends and family gather round the television to exchange the traditional greeting -“Don’t bother,...
Victoria Wood's Midlife Christmas
Penny works at a supermarket and Phil is a gentle taxi-driver. Penny’s love for Phil has run dry and they lead joyless lives with their two...
All or Nothing
That Musical We Made is an honest and funny look at the making of a musical. Victoria Wood takes us behind the scenes of That Day We Sang, the film...
Victoria Wood - That Musical We Made
After their production "Princess Ida" meets with less-than-stunning reviews, the relationship between Gilbert and Sullivan is strained to breaking....
In 1968, Donald Crowhurst, an amateur sailor, endangers the fate of his family and business, and his own life, blinded by his ambition to compete in...
The Mercy
An epic portrayal of the events surrounding the infamous 1819 Peterloo Massacre, where a peaceful pro-democracy rally at St Peter’s Field in...
Gordon Comstock is a copywriter at an ad agency, and his girlfriend Rosemary is a designer. Gordon believes he is a genius, a marvelous poet and...
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Lucy is a young girl admitted to Great Ormond Street with a heart condition. Whilst there she makes a connection with JM Barrie's classic story of...
Peter & Wendy
This documentary tells the story of one of TV’s darkest and most celebrated comedies, featuring cast interviews and extensive candid moments...
Inside No. 9: The Party's Over