After inadvertently unleashing an ancient curse, a documentary crew of American exchange students is haunted by angry spirits in Japan's infamous...
Grave Halloween
Zoe is abducted by a suburban single mother named Alina, who just so happens to be a deranged yet altruistic serial killer. As Zoe battles for...
High school classmates, who once dubbed themselves the “cursed class,” reconnect at Christmas for their 15-year reunion. Over the course...
Christmas Class Reunion
Accident prone teenager, Percy discovers he's actually a demi-God, the son of Poseidon, and he is needed when Zeus' lightning is stolen. Percy must...
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Kat is an aspiring singer-songwriter who dreams of making it big. However, her dreams are stalled by her reality: a conniving and cruel stepfamily ...
A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish
A young writer's research prompts the police to revisit a famous murder case that convicted Amy's colleague at Elmstead, so Travis & Amy get a second...
Mystery 101: An Education in Murder
Former detective Jeff Jackson teams up with Dr. Zee Madieras to track down their friend's missing emerald brooch, a thief, and also... a murderer.
Riddled with Deceit: A Martha's Vineyard Mystery