Nirmal lives in a small village with his father and a beautiful sister, Sirima. The family is shattered when Sirima is raped by one of their...
A story of a notorious rich man in the upper class society of Colombo and how he has ended up with his wife who has no sense about her husband's...
Night of Destiny
Kolomba Sanniya (Colombo Mania) is a 1976 Sinhalese language comedy film directed by Manik Sandrasagara that follows the lives of middle and...
Kolomba Sanniya
A film that touches Life, Death and Expectations.One Person’s death fans the flame of expectations in another. the life that begins with that...
August Drizzle
Madol Duwa (Mangrove Island) is a 1976 Sri Lankan drama film directed by Lester James Peries and produced by Upasena Marasinghe. The film stars Ajith...
Mangrove Island
An illiterate and sexually frustrated young man finds himself attracted to a chic woman from the city who has come to his rural village as a school...
Mee Haraka - මී හරකා
This psychological drama attempts to dwell into the mind of Aravinda, whose Buddhist empathy and detachment are contrasted with his worldly friends...
The Way of the Lotus (Devoid of Passions)
Maruthaya is a very honest, daring, and dramtic exposure of the traumatic experiences of an honest politicain and his family. Director Vasantha...
The Storm