Bogi, a talented opera singer student, earns money by babysitting the children of her cousin, whose marriage is in crisis. On the day of her final...
A girl in her thirties who lost all her hope in finding love meets a black cat, who can talk, but only the girl can hear it.
Cat Call
Eszter, 16, is secretly in love with her English teacher, while Peter, also 16, is hopelessly in love with Eszter. One day, the teacher announces...
Hope You Die Next Time :-)
Life is not always full of joy. A young boy dreams of being a bus driver. His father is hiding - for what he does not know - and his mother does not...
A Buszsofőr
Downtown Budapest. Day of the annual curbside pickup. The long shot film starts with a petty argument and ends with life-changing events for all...
From Above