Running away from his criminal history, Daniel returns to his hometown of Redemption, a small town near Argentina. He reunites with his old flame...
Santiago, a retired accountant, casually meets Angelina during one of his daily walks in Old San Juan. They soon become friends, even though she...
Lo que le pasó a Santiago
In this thriller, television reporter Kate Ryan de Meléndez investigates the death of two radical Puerto Rican activists, whom she begins to...
A Show of Force
A group of actors is shooting a film in Aguas Buenas, based on the legend of a magician. There, they become infected with the honesty syndrome, which...
In Quarantine
A public relations rep is hired by a women's commission to produce a documentary commemorating the commission's 10th anniversary.
A flor de piel
Amorous encounters and clashes between a group of parents of kindergarten .
Your Eyes Blazed
The dreams of five strangers traveling to Puerto Rico are put on hold when immigration authorities confine them in 'El cuartito'.
El cuartito