A film between fiction and reality, highlighting questions about group dynamics and established hierarchies. A group of people meet for their high...
The Reunion
"Dificult People" - About the production process when Suzanne Osten directs the theater play ”Difficult people”, written by Nils Gredeby....
Besvärliga människor
A Swedish IT-company gets a new boss, who turns out to be a soulless hatchet man in Schildt's dark satire on the evils of the corporate world. He's...
A young gang member is found dead, and the Beck group's investigation indicates that a drug network is behind it. Klas Fredén has been...
Beck 39 - Undercover
Rosa - The Movie
Change is in the air for Tony; an adolescent trying to make sense of life as summer draws closer for every day. Where many teenagers minds seem to be...
12 year old Carmen has to stay home during the summer while most other people are on holiday. She plays with younger children Anders and Kerstin. 20...
The faded dragshow entertainer Ragnar Rönn is both broke and lonely. He is becoming extremely unpopular. Noone comes to his shows. Perhaps it...
Cheek to Cheek
When Jonna is told by her boss to be more friendly with the diners customers she could never believe what that would result in. What at first seems...
Juha, 12, class clown in the suburb of Sävbyholm, Sweden. To be funny is the only thing he is good at and all he wants is to fit in the social...
My Life as a Comedian
Members of a devout Christian congregation try to start a new life in Palestine.