Christopher whimsically follows the sexploits of beautiful schoolgirl, Velvet, as she experiences her first erotic experiences and explores all of...
Velvet High
An intimate glimpse into the major leagues of sex is the theme of this fast-paced, fast action sports film featuring a complete team of uninhibited,...
N.Y. Babes
Debbie Benton is the captain of her high school cheerleading squad, and has been accepted to try out for the Texas Cowgirls. Her parents disapprove,...
Debbie Does Dallas
The story involves a hectic and hilarious chase as Mrs. Leautrec (Juliet Anderson) and her dashing son Paul (Ron Jeremy) stalk three incredibly...
A Girl's Best Friend
Teenage Justine has just learned that her father has died. Leaving her exclusive French boarding school and returning to the U.S., Justine goes to...
Justine: A Matter of Innocence
Seduction Of Cindy. Seka, Veronica Hart, Jamie Gillis, Samantha Fox, Serena, Ron Jeremy. Cindy's (Seka) husband plans a swing party to give his wife...
Seka Triple Feature
Half a dozen self-contained short subjects, some of which predominantly focus on sex as performance for an audience of one (or more), while others...
Heather leaves the nunnery and marries the gardener's son, just for the money. But before the couple consummates their marriage, she finds out he's...
A Scent of Heather
The weather's cool and the sex is hot when nine world famous cover girls set the town burning in this autumn indulgence. A naughty boutique is the...
October Silk
A loser with women follows the advice of a "how-to" book on seduction.
Young Southern woman discovers her mother is a prostitute. She runs away from home to New York City, only to meet the same fate as her mother.
Manhattan Mistress
A group of friends have gathered for their regular poker night, but instead of dealing stud, they are presented with a new game where they try to...
Afternoon Delights
This is the erotic story of a couple's torrid relationships and the resulting breakup of their live-in arrangement. Dolly Lee and Lenny Morgan...
The Love-In Arrangement
Cristine is another sexually frustrated woman with a pre-occupied husband working too hard for their mutual benefit. She becomes employed by a...
Woman in Love: A Story of Madame Bovary
While making love to her husband, Seka relates other sexual adventures.
Inside Seka
You're about to be thrust in another sexual dimension and place; You're about to enter the erogenous zone. Twilight Pink is hosted by Sterling Rod in...
Twilight Pink
Frustrated husband Michael asks his vivacious mistress Jennifer to seduce his cold fish wife Cindy as a means to get Cindy to overcome her frigidity.
The Seduction of Cindy
Sue Jensen returns to New York City after several years in the South and reconnects with her old schoolmate Bert Wheeler. She stays with Bert while...
The Nite Bird is the hottest disco in town, where everyone gets down on and off the dance floor. Southside and his friends hit the streets, searching...
The Night Bird
Sandra (Heather Young) a beautiful young model, comes to "Eighteen Magazine" for a job. In the Rothwell empire that controls the magazine. Lauren...
Satin Suite
An answering-service operator mixes up clients' phone messages, resulting in all sorts of sexual consequences.
Platinum Paradise
Another loop Carrier
Babes in Joyland
The super star of erotic films reveals her most intimate moments. Learn how a beautiful and sensuous woman becomes involved in the world of adult...
Secrets of Seka