Carlos is a young priest who teaches at a boarding school for difficult or conflictive adolescents. The arrival of Jonás, a boy with a strong...
Nosotros en particular
Victor Raven, a famous rock star, returns to his childhood home to shoot a music video. Believing his presence is responsible for the return of a...
Monster Dog
The film is an image of the Spanish society in form of various anecdotes which happen to the inhabitants and their neighbours of a finca in Madrid.
El poderoso influjo de la luna
Y del seguro… líbranos, Señor!
Buscando a Perico
Sequel to "The Great Family" and "Family and one more". A widower and the godfather of his 16 children, aged two, wistfully contemplate the past. The...
La familia bien, gracias
Café, coca y puro
J.R. has been shot in his sensitive parts. After spending a season in the hospital, and anxious for revenge, he returns to find the culprit. He is...
J.R. contraataca (La dinastia de J.R.)
"Pasos largos" (long steps) is an alias for the last Andalusian bandit, after engaging in poaching for a living, he begins to commit small crimes in...
Pasos Largos (El último bandido andaluz)