The untold story of the world’s longest running video show, Video Music Box. A hip hop mainstay since 1983, VMB gave a platform to artists like...
You're Watching Video Music Box
A violent street gang, the Rebels, rule the streets of Gary, Indiana. The Rebels shoot Marvin Bookman, a store-keeper, for giving the police...
Original Gangstas
Ed Lover and Doctor Dre are two inept barbers. Deciding that maybe they ought to find another line of work, they join the police. A big mistake, as...
Who's the Man?
A psycho serial killer who videotapes each of his bloody conquests is on the loose, and it's up to alcoholic motorcycle cop Dak and his new...
Night Vision
A provocative look into the seven-year history of the series that gave hip hop a voice and broke color barriers, integrating MTV with rap. "Yo! MTV...
Yo! The Story of ‘Yo! MTV Raps’
Geto Boys: Mind Playing Tricks on Me
"Street Life" is the most controversial documentary ever to hit the streets. It's not only documentation, but also a bible to the streets. If focuses...
Street Life
Entertaining and informative documentary about the life and career of the controversial rapper and member of Houston gangsta rap group, Geto Boys.
Bushwick Bill: Geto Boy