Jimmy (Jack Wild) ventures to Living Island with his magical, talking flute, Freddy. Once there, he befriends many of the island's inhabitants, but...
Brother Rabbit, Brother Bear, and Preacher Fox rise to the top of the crime ranks in Harlem by going up against a con-man, a racist cop, and the...
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits...
A gangster's former mistress hooks up with a troupe of circus midgets who, as a sideline, rob banks and casinos.
Little Cigars
Benjamin, a recent college graduate very worried about his future, finds himself in a love triangle with an older woman and her daughter.
The Graduate
The misadventures of four groups of guests at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
California Suite
Astronaut Taylor crash lands on a distant planet ruled by apes who use a primitive race of humans for experimentation and sport. Soon Taylor finds...
Planet of the Apes
Charlie and Rachel run away from home to get married in Las Vegas. But they get attacked by a zombie who takes Rachel with him to hell, where she...
Highway to Hell
Collins College needs a new department head for their science department, so Doctors Carter and Zorch consult Thinko, the campus computer, and come...
Sex Kittens Go to College
An enigmatic young man manipulates his way into working at the decaying mansion of a once prolific, but now reclusive and alcoholic, movie star named...
Hollywood Horror House
When Santa Claus decides to retire and pass on his magic bag of Christmas surprises to a new Saint Nick, he enlists the aid of a hilarious assortment...
Ernest Saves Christmas