In the post-apocalyptic future, reigning tyrannical supercomputers teleport a cyborg assassin known as the "Terminator" back to 1984 to kill Sarah...
The Terminator
Unemployed and recently dumped, Mitch and his buddy Sam start a revenge-for-hire business to raise the $50,000 that Sam's father needs to get a heart...
Dirty Work
A young actor's fascination with Rober De Niro's TAXI DRIVER persona leads him into a morass of strange and obsessional behaviors.
You Talkin' To Me?
A man combs Los Angeles for his missing daughter, and discovers she belongs to a gang dealing in crack.
Broken Angel
On the last day of Montgomery Clift's life, he reflects on some of the woman who effected him, Marilyn, Liz and Judy Garland - and the man who took...