When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges...
The Seventh Seal
Farmer Mårten Esbjörnsson has three adult sons who all want to find a wife to marry. However, all the young women of the neighborhood seem...
"Pig Hunt" - Lennart Siljeberg works at the Cattle Inspection Agency. He is the perfect bureaucrat, always careful and pedantic. The agency's latest...
Pig Hunt
Operetta singer Adolf Berg will be called up for military duty just as he gets assigned a major role in an operetta. On the train he meets Ulla Wern...
Samvetsömma Adolf
16 -year-old Mari has just been released from a juvenile detention school after one year of treatment. To prevent her from making contact with her...
Just Once More
Funfair worker Valdemar is unknowingly the illegitimate son of a rich landowner, colonel Von Brede. The colonel knows and employs Valdemar as his...
Only One Night
While vacationing on a remote German island with his pregnant wife, an artist has an emotional breakdown while confronting his repressed desires.
Hour of the Wolf
Karl XII
Maggi meets David after having missed her train, and they spend the night together. Penniless, the young lovers break into a summer cottage. The...
It Rains on Our Love