After his mission is exposed, an undercover CIA operative stuck deep in hostile territory in Afghanistan must fight his way out, alongside his Afghan...
The story follows a group of people who are kidnapped from the street and held hostage in an underground prison to await deportation. Will they...
White People
2060 is an absurd, love story, a kind of prison drama in an elderly care home environment, set in a future dystopia. Upper-class woman Amanda is...
Incident by a bank is a detailed account of a failed bank robbery: A single take where over 90 people perform a meticulous choreography for the...
Incident by a Bank
Lasse and Maja have had their detective agency shut down by the police chief when a customer ask for help to prove her father is innocent of the...
JerryMaya's Detective Agency – The Secret of the Train Robber
A car explodes in front of a primary school where GSI boss Patrick Agrell has just left his children. The event reunites Johan Falk with Leo Gaut, a...
Johan Falk: Leo Gaut