Amn Dawlat
The events of the series revolve around the will of a wealthy father who passed away. He leaves a huge fortune to his children, placing a harsh...
Azzam's sons
Within a social dramatic framework, the events of the series revolve around a group of people who have several intertwined human relationships. It...
The club of broken hearts
an Egyptian teacher traveled to work in the Gulf for many years. After a long period, she decided to return to her country, but she was surprised by...
Bushra Sarrah
A young man who lives abroad, returns to his country Egypt after an absence of 8 years on that very hot day, to spend a short vacation to visit his...
Very Hot Day
The journalist Nadia investigates the suicide of a girl in a house of ill fame, especially since the sister of the suicide girl rejects the fact that...
Women Market
Talaat, the son of wealthy merchant Morsi, lives under pressure from his father to marry the poor girl Fatima. Talaat rebels on his father and...
Too Little Love.. Too Much Violence
Tamer is a student who lives with his family. His father, Adam, is a doctor in economics, his sister, Salma, is a student at the College of Fine...
How to Live with Your Salary