A group of curious kids from Camp Loggerhead embark on an adventure to solve the mystery of the missing sea turtle eggs. Led by two determined...
Newly wed Tom Russo suspects his wife is having sexual encounters with their suburban neighbors, and launches a methodical campaign to murder the...
Killing Spree
Angus Lynch, a psycho, escapes from prison and hooks up with his stripper sister named Kascha. Some death ensues eventually leading Angus to cross...
SOV legend Tim Ritter narrates feature length behind the scenes documentary on his film Killing Spree.
Blinded by the Blood
A group of six ex-high school cheerleaders are stalked by a killer with a medieval war hammer and battle axe during their first Spring Break from...
Girls Gone Dead
Mike Strauber catches his wife Sharon in bed with his best friend Jerry. He gets mad and takes off to embark on an adventure of murder and...
Truth or Dare? - A Critical Madness