A policeman is murdered and his gun, stolen, used to commit the next crime. Detective Kashiwagi, who is leading the investigation, learns that the...
The Beast to Die
The film is an adaptation of Nakano Yu's play "Sexual Beauty Techniques," serialized as a manga.
Kōshoku biyōshi: Nikutai no hōshū
Sixteen Years Old: Nymphets' Room
A building manager spots a hooded jogger as he brazenly assaults a woman and drags her off. He follows and watches as the poor woman gets raped....
Renzoku boko: Hakuchu no inmu
Keiko Inagawa (Asami Kobayashi) pays a visit to neurologist Aizawa about her fiancé Tatsuo Tamura (Kaoru Kobayashi). A mysterious case...
Call from Darkness